Jun 16, 2015
On June 15th 2015 the Institute of Technology, Tralee and Kerry Education and Training Board signed a Memorandum of Understanding to continue to maximise opportunities for learners in Kerry, reaffirming both organisations commitment to working collaboratively as they have done since the first MOU between the two organisations, which was signed in 2007. The MOU commits the two institutions to work cooperatively and harmoniously to deliver a coherent and relevant education and training provision to the people of Kerry and beyond.
Since the first MOU between the two organisations significant progress has been made in a range of areas. A course progression document has been developed to map progression routes between Kerry ETB courses and ITT courses. Joint initiatives were developed including; a Directory of Education and Training Programmes in Kerry, the development of Kerry Music Education Partnership, Future Skills research, school based projects were progressed including; Project Maths, ICT, sports and leisure, and science. The ITT host the annual Kerry ETB Student Awards event. The ITT has also provided in-service training in ICT and Digital media for teachers and school leaders. Kerry ETB, through Cappanalea Outdoor Education and Training Centre delivers modules to Wildlife Biology and Health and Leisure students in Outdoor Education. Cappanalea OETC also works closely with the Cara Centre in the provision of Campabilities and adapted physical activities.
The current and future Strategic Plans of both organisations identify their mutual commitment to continue establishing links and partnerships to achieve their individual and collective strategic goals. Both organisations aim to maximise the access, transfer and progression opportunities for all learners.
The President of IT, Tralee, Dr. Oliver Murphy, stated that the “Institute has an excellent working relationship with Kerry ETB and both organisations are working collaboratively to provide learners in the region with an extensive range of educational opportunities."
The MOU comes at a time of significant policy change and development for both organisations, particularly in the last two years. The Department of Education and Skills have introduced new legislation: the Education and Training Boards (ETB) Act 2013 and the Further Education and Training (FET) Act 2013 which saw the dissolution of VEC’s, the establishment of the ETB’s, the establishment of SOLAS and the integration of FAS Training Centres into the new ETB structure. Colm McEvoy CEO Kerry ETB welcomed the MOU as an excellent example of complementarity between the two statutory education bodies in the county. “This MOU builds on years of effective collaboration which means that the people from Kerry can access a full suite of education and training programmes in their local area and for many courses there is a direct progression opportunity between ETB and ITT programmes.”